I completed all of my general education courses in Human Design (LYD, ABC and Cartography) with Josette. This experience was a journey into self awareness and self love. I gained a deeper understanding of who I am and this awareness continues to unfold daily. Equally wonderful, was the validation of what I had already come to know about myself. Understanding my design allowed me to let go of the thinking that I needed to be somehow different than who I am or to conform with society’s or others’ ideas. Living one’s Design is truly an uplifting and life transforming experience.Josette is extremely knowledgeable, experienced and intuitive. If you are considering learning more about yourself and the Human Design system, I would highly recommend her as your guide.Allison Riley, 6/2 Manifesting Generator
“Living Your Design Was Very Insightful”
“Josette Lamotte’s Living Your Design workshop was very insightful. I not only learned about new approaches in bringing more stability and courage into my life, but also it has helped me identify ways of being that I had yet to accept in myself.
Having this knowledge is helping me express my emotions and in return my relationships are growing stronger. Josette’s analysis has helped me understand parts of myself that I was only partially aware of. The analysis identified things in my unconsciousness that just made sense in my life and how I live.
I am learning more about the ways of being that work and don’t work for me everyday. It truly is an eye opening experience.”
- Sandra Phillips - 2/4 Manifesting Generator
Living Your Design Course with Josette
“Josette’s insight into the Human Design realms sources from an authentic experience and revelation of her own nature and design.
The profound quality of her understanding is communicated with honesty, clarity and humor, plus a magical element that unfolds when you begin to ‘grok’ your own design. With grace and humility she has initiated me on this illuminating journey.”
Dr. Robert Norett, D.C. - 2/4 Manifesting Generator
Living your Design Course
I have taken the Living Your Design course with Josette Lamotte. She is a very inspiring teacher. Her guidance through the whole process was a transformational journey.
Having an open head & root center makes me very vulnerable to the environment. I used to take on not only the thoughts and opinions of others through my open head center but also the stress and pressure through my open root.
I am now practicing breathing in stress and breathing out peace every day, and I am able to discern how much stress is healthy for me to take in,
I am grateful that I came upon Human Design. I have become a much more authentic individual.
Adam Michardi-5/1 Manifesting Generator