The challenge is the not-self . 
The term not-self is used to define any human being making decisions that are based on the authority of his mind. The greatest form of ignorance comes from this one error in logic: the assumption that one’s beliefs are true.
Nature has designed the human brain to accept data from parents up to about six years of age, and, during this time, the child does not evaluate incoming data. Unfortunately this data is not evaluated by the parents before it’s passed on to the child. The child is taking in all kinds of false data for 6–10 years, the brain changes after 10 years old. The child then starts to evaluate incoming data against the data already stored in their mind.
Misdiagnosis is was is keeping many children from realigning again with the true self, prescription drugs are given to cover up the misdiagnosis.
Misinformation continues to lead these children into further difficulties, eventually leading them to psychosis. The parents have become dependent upon an external authority, so it only makes sense that they are not going to find accurate, advice, or a solution.
We’re taught to become something that’s already been established and we have too many people operating in the not- self which has created our present state of affairs.
Why do we compare?
We are all impacted by multiple channels of media that perpetuates propaganda and projects dramatized and sensationalized discord and violence. We are affected by all of this, we are sensitive beings that absorb everything that we hear and see.
We compare because of our educationial system, religions, family values, our environment, media, fashion, politics.
The not-self strategic mind is a survival mechanism to emotionally and psychologically control or conquer another.
Comparison creates a number of issues, competition, greed. We loose our identity in comparison, as we try to emulate, or judge people we create a distorted view of perception, and become lost in the external.
To take responsibility for one’s life is supremely important.
It is very important for us to embrace responsibility through self-awareness, looking within without judgment or attachment, to simply be the witness to the inner world will naturally allow us to see others without judgment.
This basic knowledge and common sense go a long way when it comes to nurturing our child’s talents. These are some of the building blocks to creating a responsible human being who will grow and integrate naturally into society, knowing how to create balanced relationships.
Allowing the individual to act in accordance with their own will, allowing a personal state of freedom, and this comes from a positive sense of self, and an innate desire to create harmony- This should surely begin early on in childhood to allow a child to see and appreciate and experience excitement for their individuality that brings about the unique gifts that the child can then take into adulthood.
Only when we know who we are, we are then able to interact harmoniously.
When we are able to live authentically, when we’re taught to honor and respect ourselves then inevitably a new frequency will flow into the world and dissolve competition and comparison.
This is an inner revolution that can change the outer world.
Responsibility is doing what we know is right, following our strategy and listening to our inner authority.
The only way to appreciate, respect, trust and love one another is to truly find it in one’s own being. One of the most difficult things to do is to be vulnerable and to listen and to open ones heart because fear surrounds it but this is the only way to create harmony.
The witness can see the not-self mind that’s trying to run our lives.
The moment we become aware we are able to watch the mind and not be affected by it. This allows us to once again experience the now
The moment that we let go of time the moment is ours which is an infinite thread without the
Fragmentation of the mind. Being in the now brings awareness to the moment where there is no room to drift into the past or future. Self love is honoring ones individual path therefore not allowing oneself to be homogenized.
Being oneself is the ability to create a space where we can be silent
…and just simply look at the inner world without any judgment and most importantly take this silence out into the world so that we can have empowering relationships with others. If we cannot enjoy our difference with others then maybe it is much better to be alone in order to love oneself .