As humans we hold onto many things, we in large part live in our past, holding onto our childhood trauma. We define ourselves by what has happened to us, not by who we are authentically, and individually, the way we came into the world.
We define ourselves by what has happened to us, how others treat us, we are controlled by our external world, be it our peers, the media and so on. We are controlled by what we are not. We give up are whole lives to playing the victim, to abuse, and manipulation, never getting the chance to be what it is to be who we really are. To live authentically as a individual soul.
Do we want to continue living like this ?
We have to really ask ourselves do we want to continue living like this, to endure this, to define our entire existence this way, to be addicted to this old way of being. To continue to have this mindset- it’s the mind, our psychological landscape that can be changed, made anew. Our mind is the architect of the body.
We have complete control- We are the architects. We no longer need to be addicted to outmoded ways of being- what we were taught as children.
We no longer need to believe that the addiction to substances is an incurable disease, that belief is an illusionary prison that continues to be propagated – which keeps us from transforming- addictions are all rooted in the same place and we have seen children being raised by an alcoholic parent who’s father or mother was an alcoholic .
The conditioning is of psychological nature it is homogenized behavor, every family member has to behave the same way to fit the same mold to fit in. Therefore it takes courage and self confidence to break free from the chains of homogenization.
It is possible to break the cycle !
Fear of letting go, and becoming comfortable with what is habitual are both incredible factors in the cycle of addiction – It is possible to break the cycle! The first step is to separate oneself from the addictive environment and then leaving that world behind .
To let go takes focused discipline, not allowing oneself to get stopped in the process and revert back. To surround oneself with spiritually oriented people and a nurturing support system are the necessary steps.
We all come to addiction differently and we leave it differently as well. We all see the world differently, and confront it differently so we need to look with in and find our own path to our freedom and stop relying on others and what they believe to be the way.