The Human Design System analyses the direct link between the precise timing of our birth and the way in which our genes are orchestrated.
Using computer technology and a binary code system drawn from the 64 hexagrams of the Rave I Ching, our astrological birth data is integrated with a universal matrix or “hexagram wheel.”
This hexagram wheel is directly related to the 64 codons of our DNA which represents a biochemical map of our body.
We call this map a bodygraph.
The 64 hexagrams relate specifically to the Nine Centers depicted in the bodygraph. This is the blueprint encoded in our genes – unique, separate and distinct to us. It is our Human Design blueprint.
With the use of the Human Design System, it is now possible to analyze the individual code of any human being using only the date, time and place of birth.
The result is a personalized life instruction manual specifically tailored to each one of us.
Having been scientifically tested, The Human Design System was introduced to the public in the late 1980s by Ra Uru Hu –
Today, Human Design has evolved into a fully operational logical tool. Medical practitioners, psychologists and counselors of both mainstream and complementary medicine are using the analysis as a tool to study a person’s core and recommend tailored solutions.
In the workplace Human Design is proving to be an invaluable tool to management, and employee hiring as well as team-building and executive recruitment.
What Can You Learn from Human Design?
Human Design gives us a unique insight into the workings of our unconscious behavior patterns. Buddha used a term known as “correct action,” and this is what we manifest when we live our true nature, our Human Design.
When the mind is not making the decisions, activity disappears. Action that does not come from harmony is desperate action, and usually does more damage than good. Human Design shows us that there is no pure alchemy other than simply being yourself.
On a metaphysical level, it is a simple way of harmonizing our individual energy flow with the greater flow of the forces of the universe. It is what the ancients called “being in harmony with the Tao.”
Your Decisions Shape Your Life
The Human Design System guides us in the decision-making process in all aspects of life. We are our decisions and the choices we make determine our future. Every fork we encounter in the road of life is an opportunity to choose the correct path – the decision that truly benefits us the most.
The Human Design System presents our unique physical blueprint derived from our specific genetic code. This gives us the tools to understand our strategic reasons for actions.
Understanding our genetic structure brings us security and transforms our decision-making process.
The transformation that occurs within us when we use this Human Design knowledge is self-fulfilling because we are aligned with our innermost core.
Our genetic make-up connects us to nature as a whole. All of nature moves in a wondrous, beautiful pattern, and when we make correct decisions, our lives align with that exquisite pattern. This understanding makes us feel safe and secure in the world, even as we move through life’s great journey.
Following our inner authority is the most efficient way for us to operate with the least amount of inner and outer resistance. We feel less torment being pushed and pulled in many different directions.
We maximize our energy and feel comfortable in our own skin. By having the courage to use these tools, we have no regrets about our decisions.
The Human Design Reading Analysis
Do any of the below questions ring true?
- Are you always trying to prove your worthiness?
- Are you feeling stuck, trapped or under pressure?
- Are you always rushing to finish things and in a hurry?
- Are you incessantly feeling the need to attract attention?
- Are you worried about being intellectually inferior?
A Human Design Reading Analysis has the potential to empower you.
A Human Design analysis can be life-transforming and the key to understanding oneself. Understanding our mental, emotional, psychological and physical make-up can improve our health, career, and relationships. Human Design is like any awareness tool, in that it has to be implemented to gain its full results.
The result is to be one’s self which is fundamentally healthy.
Most of us lead busy lives full of pressure and tension. We find ourselves, doing more than is healthy or wise, rushing and getting forced into situations, living with conflicts, and feeling pushed and pulled in many directions.
This is no way to live.
Life is meant to be enjoyed and to have beauty in it.
Wouldn’t it be nice not to feel frustrated and bitter? Wouldn’t it be liberating to have permission to be yourself?
The analysis reveals the construct of our personal vehicle and leaves us with our personal owners’ manual, our “Human Design Chart.” This physical, practical tool allows us to navigate our path.
Understanding our vehicle gives us the power to make correct decisions. It equips us with very specific information and logical tools so that we can re-gain trust in ourselves and know how to make consistent clear decisions.
The embodiment of this knowledge allows us to live our uniqueness without compromise or fear.
Now is the time to activate our strength, courage, wisdom and inner authority.
To find out more about the types of analysis , please visit the analysis page.