Education should not teach jealousy and competition. In our education system today, people are forced into categories that do not necessarily fit their individual uniqueness.
Children are told to become doctors, lawyers, and businesspeople. Is it correct? How could it be? Nobody can be like anyone else. This is the tragedy of our educational system.
This idea that we have to become like someone else pulls us into frustration, anger, bitterness and deception. We begin to think that there’s something wrong with us, or with our children.
The solution? To take responsibility for our life, which allows us to act in accordance with our own will and freedom. Our responsibility is to focus on a positive sense of self and an innate desire to create harmony for us, and for our children.
The best place for this individual empowerment to take place is in early childhood. Children need to see that they can appreciate and experience excitement for their individual gifts and strengths.
Children are already equipped with everything they need. All we as a society have to do is make sure they are fed, nurtured, and not interfered with.
If we are taught to better know 0urselves, we will naturally integrate into society, where all individuals together form a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.
The way the educational system is set up now is that we’re taught to become something that’s already been established. We have too many people operating on paths that are not for them.
What can we do in this moment?
Human Design is a valuable educational path for children, teenagers and parents.
We can teach our children to following their strategy, and listen to their inner authority. That is where Human Design is so valuable. It is a valuable educational path for children and teenagers
It doesn’t matter whether we’re just starting out, or if we’re a professional analyst. The deeper we go, the more we discover who we are, which leads us to a relaxing and enjoyable life. This in time has an effect on the people around us, because we are aura beings. Our auras communicate with each other, even if we never tell anyone about Human Design.
We have the ability to make a difference. It starts by knowing oneself. If our cup is not full, we cannot share with others. When we learn to appreciate ourselves, we learn to appreciate others.
Human Design is the key to helping our children to discover who they are, and what their purpose is.
Are you interested in studying Human Design? Do you resonate with learning more about yourself, others, and the way we relate with each other?
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